# Compiling SpookTubeEX This is a brief guide on how to compile the mod. ## 1. Environment ```powershell $env:CONTENT_WARNING_DIR = "" ``` ## 2. Cloning ```powershell git clone https://git.redbigz.com/SpookTube/SpookTubeEX cd SpookTubeEX ``` ## 3. Copying Assemblies ```powershell Copy-Item "$env:CONTENT_WARNING_DIR\Content Warning_Data\Managed\*" ".\lib" ``` > ### Tip > You only need these assemblies for the mod to compile successfully: > - Assembly-CSharp.dll > - Photon3Unity3D.dll > - PhotonRealtime.dll > - PhotonUnityNetworking.dll > - Unity.Localization.dll > - Unity.TextMeshPro.dll > - UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll > - UnityEngine.UI.dll > - UnityEngine.dll > - Zorro.Core.Runtime.dll > - com.rlabrecque.steamworks.net.dll > - websocket-sharp.dll ## 4. Restoring ```powershell dotnet restore ``` ## 5. Building ```powershell dotnet build -c release ```